
After a close finish Team Italy retains the DMOW by Mexedia

Portoroz - Almost 48 hours of racing, 252 miles sailed, and only 30 seconds to separate the first and second team on the finish line: this was the challenging closing of the the Double Mixed Offshore World Championship powered by Mexedia, organized by SSI in collaboration with Difesa Servizi SPA and Marina Militare.

Team Italia, composed by Giovanni di Monaco and Cecilia Zorzi, was the first to cross the finish line: the Italian crew, who during the second night at sea was halfway in the standings, was the protagonist of an extraordinary comeback in the early hours of the morning, showing skill and tactics in exploiting the almost evanescent breezes that led the boat to the Gulf of Piran, in Slovenia, overcoming the France-Belgium duo that until then had competed for the top of the standings.

"A demanding and technically difficult regatta" commented Cecilia Zorzi, who with this success brings home an all-in in the international DMO events, having already won the European title this year, always paired with Giovanni di Monaco, to continue : "We got off to a good start, the most challenging moments came during the night, both the first and the second day. We had to make difficult tactical choices and being able to take the victory by a bunch of meters is a great satisfaction", said the crew mate Di Monaco.

The success of Zorzi-Di Monaco crew in the DMO World Championship in Portoroz means that the World Title remains for the second consecutive year in Italy, after the victory in 2021 by Claudia Rossi and Pietro d'Alì in Venice.

The silver medal goes to the color-bearer crew of Uruguay by Federico Waksman and Sofia Fontanesi: also in this case, as for Team Italia, the Uruguayan duo managed to put in place a remarkable comeback on Loison-Ragueneau's Team France, who had led the fleet for over 30 hours and finished the Championship in third overall position.

"Another World Championship comes to an end today and this for us is a source of great satisfaction. The fleet has once again proved to be competitive and homogeneous, the international benchmark for the discipline of Double Mixed Offshore. The fact that the ranking balances have been determined only in the very last meters before the finish, in the face of a course of over 250 miles, demonstrates how exciting the races of Nastro Rosa are every time. Planning now goes on, looking forward to the exciting appointment of the Nastro Rosa Veloce" commented SSI CEO Riccardo Simoneschi at the end of the event. commented SSI's CEO, Riccardo Simoneschi, at the end of the event.

Leaving Portorož, the fleet of ten Beneteau Figaro 3s returns to Venice from where, on Sunday 6th November, the hardest and most exciting regatta of the Nastro Rosa Tour will begin: we are talking about the Nastro Rosa Veloce, a non-stop tour of Italy from Venice to Genoa. All information on the event and any updates can be found on the website www.nastrorosatour.it and on the Nastro Rosa Tour social channels.