
EFOEC, A full female fleet is sailing from Venice to MontenegrVenice - o

Venice -The EUROSAF Female Offshore European Championship, an event belonging to the seasonal calendar of the Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour organized by Difesa Servizi S.p.A. and SSI Events with the support of the Marina Militare and EUROSAF, kicked off late this morning.

The female crews, on board the ten Beneteau Figaro 3 fleet managed by SSI Events, crossed the starting line at around 12.15pm, approximately 45 minutes late compared to the official program due to the inconsistency of the breeze, which entered with discreet rush around midday, as predicted by PRO Luigi Bertini.

What stood out for their scorching start was the crew made up by Liberty Askew and Rosie Hill who, on board the Carta Giovani-Department for Youth Policies, crossed the line a few seconds late compared to the start, immediately earning around ten lengths on their opponents, protagonists of a more relaxed start. Team Chilli Pepper, made up of the Anglo-Saxons Ellie Driver and Catherine Hunt, attempted to resist in the wake.

Already in the minutes following the start, the crews took advantage of the fresh northerly breeze to deploy the code zero and set course towards Montenegro, where the fleet is expected between the late afternoon of the 28th and the following night: the weather in fact it should prove to be generous overall, guaranteeing a rather rapid descent for the crews, albeit with possible variations in intensity that could slow down, or accelerate, the advance of the teams.

We remind you that the EUROSAF Female Offshore European Championship will be divided into two fractions: Venice-Montenegro (approximately 310 nautical miles) and Montenegro-Taranto (approximately 240 nautical miles), the departure of which is scheduled for the late morning of 29 September and arrival starting from the evening of the 30th. Przegiving is set for October 1st in Taranto.

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